Sony WM-F2081 walkman repair

We have sweet pair of Sony WM-F2081 walkmans! Lets see what is the issue and lets try to repair these guys. I hope this will be possible.




Sony WM-F2081 Repair
Sony WM-F2081 Repair
Sony WM-F2081 main board
Sony WM-F2081 main board
Sony WM-F2081 main board
Sony WM-F2081 main board
Sony WM-F2081 main board super capacitor
Sony WM-F2081 main board super capacitor
Sony WM-F2081 Repair tape mech
Sony WM-F2081 Replacing belt: proper belt for WM-F2081 is SBR6.9 ( 6.9″ length, 0.7×0.7mm cross section )
Sony WM-F2081 Repair tape mech
Sony WM-F2081 Repair tape mech


About the Author
Love to tinker all day long

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