In this article I will do Benchmark of Western Digital My Book Essentials 3TB on USB 3.0 interface.
Finally I got the USB 3.0 controller. This is StarTech PEXUSB3S2E2I 2 External 2 internal USB 3.0 ports with SATA power, you can see official specs here – PEXUSB3S2E2I.
Benchmark hardware:
MB: Gigabyte EP45-UD3P
CPU: Q9550@3.6
Benchmark results:
Substantial performance increase in compare with USB 2.0. Maximum performance gain is ~90Mb/s – (120Mb/s versus 30Mb/s) see older review on USB 2.0. Obvious recommendation is to switch to USB 3.0 to use benefits of performance modern hard drives.